
Ausgewählter Nerdkram von Informatikstudenten der Uni Ulm

Interview series

Inspired by the question series from I am hereby starting a new interview series in which I want to ask the same questions to different people. I love the series, but I find the answers to be kinda simliar these days. I can’t remember how often I have read answers like “Well, I got my MacBook, an iPhone and an iPad“. But what I am really interested in is something different: This series is directed towards people with a strong IT-background. I wrote down some interesting questions and then sat down with phil and meillo to discuss them. We did a lot of brainstorming and came up with some further questions. They both deserve credit for being really helpful! I also have to give credit to Kate, who was really helpful in translating the questions to proper english (which I still have to get better at ;).

The questions you will find now, are those that I am really interested in. Stuff that I find really helpful for myself. I hope that you will gather some insights and find them as interesting as I do.

The series starts with meillo because he was the first of the two who got around answering the questions. Or well… I don’t know if phil maybe planned ahead to get more insights in what to answer ;). But we will see… the next interview will follow shortly.

Click here to get to the first interview.

Kategorie: interviews


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